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Three Woodland Pipes

Originally Published in the Central States Archaeological Journal, Vol.57, No.3, pg.141

Above:  A Late Woodland Vase Style Pipe from Fulton County, Indiana.  It is made from Petosky Stone, which shows fossil coral inclusions.  This small 2 3/4″ in length pipe shows wonderful form.  The Vase Pipe style continued to be utilized in Mississippian times.  The pipe was found by Leroy Eshelman near the twin bridges on his family farm, six miles west of Rochester, Indiana, in 1935.  Collection of Jim Felke, Rochester, Indiana. 

Above:  A Late Woodland pipe featuring an angled bowl and made from a grey pipestone.  It measures 3 inches in length and is from Newton County, Indiana.  It was formerly in the Ft. Wayne, Indian collection of Leslie Hill.  He was known at the turn of the century as a collector of exceptional quality artifacts.  collection of Len and Janie Weider, Westerville, Ohio. 


The Above two images are of a huge bi-conical tube pipe from Meiggs County, Tennessee.  This pipe dates to the Early Woodland Period, is highly polished and finely made.  It was found near the Hiawassee River.  It measures 7 1/2 inches in length and is made from a dark greenish steatite.  Collection of Philip Helms, Decatur, Tennessee.
“Used by Permission of the Author”
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