by Robert Beasley. Smyrna, Georgia, Clinton, Missouri
Originally Published in the Central States Archaeological Journal, Vol.57, No.2, pg.99

Originally Published in the Central States Archaeological Journal, Vol.56, No.4, pg.200
Originally Published in the Central States Archaeological Journal, Vol.56, No.4, pg.200
Bob Brooks discovered this magnificent Kirk serrated knife in 2002. It was found in Houston County, Georgia. It laid in repose at a 5-10% angle to the surface around 50 inches deep in the bank.
This knife is very thin, obviously the work of a master flintknapper. His material of choice was Coastal Plains Chert, which has developed a very heavy patina creating a white, chalky appearance. Only slight evidence remains of the original blade struck from a core. Percussion flaking shaped the initial blade, while very fine secondary pressure flaking was carried out on opposite sides creating large serrations. The base is well ground and some slight grinding occurs in the notches.
The knife measures 5 inches long, is 1 ‘/2 inches wide and a scant 3/16th of an inch at its thickest point. There are two re-sharpening episodes evident, as well as use wear on the top and bottom of the opposite sides of the knife.
On the Nottay River in the Coastal Plain of Virginia, Kirk serrated points have been found in association with pitted nutting stones. They have been dated there to 7800-7600 BP, the Middle Archaic Period. Interestingly, the discovery site of this point presented no direct evidence of any pitted nutting stones. However, many mortises with grinding stones have been found on the site. Hopefully more work will uncover further associations and reveal more about these long forgotten people.”Used by Permission of the Author”
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