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The Founding of the Arkansas Society

Originally Published in the Central States Archaeological Journal, Vol.55, No.4, pg.173

The first organizational meeting of the Ar­kansas Society was on October 12th 1958 at the home of H.R.McPherson near Fayetteville Arkansas. Along with H.R. McPherson, Dr. David L. Hamer was also instrumental in the early development of the society. Originally, it was known as the Northwest Arkansas Ar­chaeological Society. Dr. Hamer became the first President of the society and Quinton Barker of Elm Springs, the first Vice Presi­dent.

The first article of Volume 6 #1 was by H.R.McPherson, entitled “Affiliation”. Ar­kansas was proud to join, and 50 years later it is stronger than ever. It should be noted that at the end of McPherson’s article, a wonder­ful head-pot from Cross County Arkansas was shown. A lot of time has passed since that was printed. The one thing that hasn’t changed is the passion of archaeology and quest for a knowledge of the past that lays beneath our feet.

Shown on this page are just a few of the fine artifacts from Arkansas that have been shown in the Journal over the years.


“Used by Permission of the Author”
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