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pottery articles

The Unique Caddo Seed Jar

by Jim Maus, Advance, North Carolina Originally Published in the Central States Archaeological Journal, Vol.56, No.2, pg.82 During the first century AD, the natives of a culture known today as

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The Prehistoric Peoples of Arkansas

by Steven R. Cooper Originally Published in the Central States Archaeological Journal, Vol.55, No.4, pg.174 It is easy to become confused with all the different terms involving Arkansas ar­chaeology. Like

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Patched Pots

by Jim Cherry, Fayetteville, Arkansas Originally Published in the Central States Archaeological Journal, Vol.55, No.4, pg.224 For over 25 years, I have researched head pots by visiting many museums as

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The Way Things Used To Be

by Steven R. Cooper Originally Published in the Central States Archaeological Journal, Vol.55, No.4, pg.250 For more than one hundred and fifty years, collectors, amateur archaeologists, opportun­ists and the impoverished

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Pottery Restoration Made Easy

Matt Rowe, Oklahoma Ancient ceramics are a wonderful way to add spice to any artifact display. While stone items are still the number one collectible, no collection is complete without

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